7th Grade Identification


Home 7th Grade Vocabulary


Below are all of the people and a their descriptions that you will need to know for Seventh Grade Social Studies.  As you can see, it is divided according to Chapter or section, making it easy to fill in Vocabulary/Identification sheets.  Students who do not have Internet access at home may request a print-out of these descriptions but only one time during the school year.  Remember that you will be responsible for knowing each Chapter's  Vocabulary & Identification that we are covering and that it makes up a good portion of all Social Studies tests.  Also, remember that if you do not have your Vocabulary/Identification done and in class the day it is due, you will receive a zero (0 out of 10 possible points) for that chapter's vocabulary grade. 

Click on any of the buttons below to access the Vocabulary on this page.

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 U.S. Constitution Chapter 4 Chapter 5

 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12

Chapter 1 - Early American History - Way, way back to 1732:

Chapter 2 - The Coming of Independence - 1754-1774:

Chapter 3 - The American Revolution - 1775-1783

United States Constitution - Important People:

Chapter 4 - Federal America - 1787-1800:

Chapter 5 - Jeffersonian America - 1801-1810:

Chapter 6 - Growing Pains - 1811-1827:

Chapter 7 - Jacksonian American - 1828-1839:

Chapter 8 - Manifest Destiny - 1840-1849:

Chapter 9 - American Movements - Mid 19th Century:

Chapter 10 - Cracks in the Union - 1850-1859:

Chapter 11 - The American Civil War - 1860-1865:

Chapter 12 - Reconstruction - 1865 to 1877: