What is Mr. Danforth Reading?


This list dates back to the summer of 2004.  I feel reading is something that everyone should do for enjoyment.  There is nothing like creating imagery in your mind when you read a good book.  I still have never seen a movie based on a book that is better than the actual book!


Below is everything that I have read going back to the summer of 2004.  To read my review of each book, click on the book.  You may get a message at the top of your browser that looks like this:

Click on this message to get this:

and allow the blocked content.  You will get a pop-up window with the review of the book.

I'm not a big "True-Crime" reader, but when it's set in the past and there is a historical nature involved, I will make exceptions (see The Girl on the Velvet Swing).  In this case, right before the end of the 19th Century in New York City, a pair of packages containing the torso and legs of a murder victim are found in the rivers leading to New York Harbor.  The plot obviously is about who committed this horrible crime, but also about the competing newspapers that were doing everything possible to out do each other to get the story.  We have William Randolph Hearst and his New York Journal competing with Joseph Pulitzer and this New York World.  These papers were the innovators of Yellow Journalism - a concept those of you who've gotten this far in 8th Grade, should remember.  The story is interesting as the author keeps building toward a conclusion that should be good.